Never Miss a Deadline,
Effortlessly Manage Your Time

Simplify Task Allocation and Stress-Free Time Managementwith AI-Powered Timetable Optimization.

Start Managing Your Time Now!
Tick Easily keep track of all your weekly tasks
Tick Effortlessly organize your tasks and lessons
Tick Achieve stress-free time allocation every week
Man planning tasks


Balancing multiple tasks, deadlines, and personal commitments can be impossibly hard. In today's busy world, people often struggle to prioritize their time effectively, leading to inefficiency and missed opportunities.

Having multiple problem sets, tutorials, recitation, lab assignments while keeping up to date with lecture material can quickly start to feel overwhelming...

With Intent, you can take control of your time and become more intentional in how you spend it. By harnessing the power of machine learning, Intent analyzes your tasks, preferences, and deadlines to generate a personalized, optimized timetable.

Introducing Intent!

Creating Lessons

Step 1

Add your weekly lessons to your timetable.

For example, weekly lessons are like Lectures, Tutorials or Recitations that you have to attend every week!

Creating Tasks

Step 2

Create recurring Tasks that you have to finish every week, or one-time assignments that you have to finish before a particular date.

For example, recurring Tasks are like Tutorial and Recitation work sheets, and Assignments are like Graded Assignments and Submissions!

Assigning Tasks

Step 3

Watch as we automatically arrange your schedule so that you will always make full use of your time and never miss a deadline again!

On Task

Assign your tasks with our algorithm to finish all your tasks on time


Our algorithm is optimised to ensure efficient use of your time


Know what you need to do to be intentional with every minute of your day

Try it out for Free today!